Meeting Invitation
Dear Chairs and Heads:

Dr. Kirsten Muller, CCUBC President
It is my pleasure to invite you to the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Council of University Biology Chairs (CCUBC) to be held in Ottawa on November 7 to 9, 2024. Come see the capital of Canada with your fellow chairs and heads in a lovely hotel that overlooks Confederation Park, the Lord Elgin (!
For those of you who are new to your role and to the CCUBC, we are an organization comprised of the Heads and Chairs of the Biology (and biology related) departments from Canadian Universities, coast to coast. Our organization has been established since 1971 and we have a long history of connecting with each other about issues, processes, and challenges that we all face in our academic units.
Come and join us in Ottawa where you will find individuals who understand the challenges that we all experience as leaders in our academic institutions. Learn and make connections with peers who experience similar challenges on both the institutional, provincial, and federal levels. We are an inclusive peer community that are here to support each other, and I promise that you will find others who you can network with and help with challenges that you may be addressing in your role as a Department Chair. As a first-time chair three years ago, I learned so much from my first meeting in Halifax, but more importantly I connected with others who have helped with cyclical reviews, curricular changes, and even the challenges of the pandemic. It also shaped the conversations that I have had upon returning to my own department around policy, curriculum, and performance evaluation. I have learned so much through discussions with my peers in and it has very much has helped me in my role as chair as I look to go into my second term.
Please join the CCUBC as a member and meet with us in November! I look forward to seeing you there!
If you are not yet a member and have questions, I encourage you to reach out to me for more information and I would be happy to have a conversation about the benefits that CCUBC provides. Thank you.
With warm regards,
Kirsten Müller
CCUBC President,
Professor & Chair
Department of Biology
University of Waterloo