Meeting Report
53rd Annual Meeting
7-9 November, 2024
Lord Elgin Hotel
Ottawa, ON

This year’s meeting had the highest number of registrants (33 chairs & heads) of any annual CCUBC meeting. It was hosted in the lovely Lord Elgin Hotel, just steps away from Canada’s parliament buildings. The program consisted of several interactive sessions, as well as formal presentations from guests of the CCUBC.
The meeting started with a mixer at the Lord Elgin on Thursday evening including local beer, wine and spirits, and lots of lively conversation among chair and heads who they had not seen in a year as well as several new participants to the meeting. This was one of the years where we got the amount of food correct!
The next morning kicked off with an introductory ice breaker around challenges and opportunities in our departments across Canada. The next session was on Indigenous Ways of Teaching & Learning presented by Savannah Sloat (Indigenous Initiatives Manager, Faculty of Science, University of Waterloo) and Kirsten Müller (CCUBC President, University of Waterloo) on their course, Plants and Civilization. This course included Indigenous pedagogy and learning circles, and Savannah and Kirsten presented ways in which students connected information from the lectures, readings and circles in ways that linked topics such as climate change, sustainability, and reciprocity. This was followed by a fascinating conversation among chairs on how to bring more Indigenous knowledge frameworks into their departments and classrooms.
Following a lunch break, Marc Fortin (NSERC Vice-President, Research Grants and Scholarships Directorate) shared information about forthcoming changes at NSERC, updates to funding, and historical patterns in the NSERC funding committees. He also noted that new funding ($~7K) coming to faculty funded this year and moving forward, and it was stressed that this infusion was intended for faculty to pay their graduates students higher stipends.
Next, the chairs and heads headed off on a brisk walk to the Canadian Museum of Natural History for a tour and a chance to dip our fingers in the touch tanks filled with sea stars, sea cucumbers, and anemones.
That evening the banquet with was held in the Lord Elgin. During our dessert, the awards were presented to Vanessa Shivnauth (Undergraduate Paper Award, Wilfred Laurier University) and Maria Laura Sosa Ponce (Graduate Paper Award, University of Calgary). In addition, Dalal Hanna (Carleton University) received the Science Promotion Prize and gave an inspiring talk on her work promoting science in Canada and around the world. Lastly, the Career Achievement Award was presented to Professor Turlough Finan (McMaster University) and he spoke eloquently about his contributions to science and the amazing graduate students and researchers that worked with him throughout his career.
Following coffee, small groups discussed the practices of hiring research and teaching faculty and some of the challenges that are now arising with budget constraints in universities. This was followed by graduate students from University of Manitoba, Devon Bath and Mohamed Naim Ben Younes, presenting on their app, GradFinder, a “social media like” app to link faculty with potential graduate students around the world in a quick and efficient manner.
Following lunch we had our business meeting, where a new award, CCUBC-oCUBE Emerging Educational Leader (EEL) Award was approved replacing the Career Achievement Award. We also unanimously agreed that the new website needed to be translated in French as soon as possible. We discussed how to continue this excellent momentum with a record turnout in attendance and that next year’s meeting could be in Montréal – an easily accessible location with mostly one flight for many (but not all). Our last order of business was to elect a new incoming Vice-President - Gary Anderson (University of Manitoba), Treasurer - Christian Lacroix (University of Prince Edward Island) and new members at large, Gregor Fussmann (McGill University), Jeffrey Richards (University of British Columbia), and Diane Hamilton (Mount Allison University). The secretariat report was shared (to view the full meeting package, click here).
Thanks to everyone who attended this year!

Dr. Dalal Hanna receiving the 2024 CCUBC Science Promotion Prize

Dr. Scott Ramsay, Wilfrid Laurier University Department of Biology, Receiving the Undergraduate Paper Award on behalf of Vanessa Shivnauth

Dr. Turlough Finan receiving the 2024 CCUBC Career Achievement Award

Dr. David Donald Hansen, University of Calgary, Department of Biological Sciences Head, receiving the Graduate Student Research Prize on behalf of Dr. Maria Laura Sosa

Dr. Kirsten Müller, CCUBC President, presenting Mrs. Wafaa Antonious, CCUBC Secretariat, with a bouquet of flowers in appreciation of her 25 years of service to the society.
Name | University | Position |
Ted Allison | University of Alberta | |
W. Gary Anderson | University of Manitoba | CCUBC Member at Large |
Annie Angers | Université de Montréal | |
Costin Antonescu | Toronto Metropolitan University | |
Robert Bailey | Ontario Tech University | |
Doug Briant | University of Victoria | |
Tuan Bui | University of Ottawa | |
Dave Coltman | Western University | CCUBC Past President |
Dion Durnford | Toronto Metropolitan University | |
Marie Elliot | McMaster University | |
Jens Franck | University of Winnipeg | |
Gregor Fussmann | McGill University | |
Moira Galway | St. Francis Xavier University | |
Diana Hamilton | Mount Allison University | |
David Hansen | University of Calgary | |
Perry Howard | University of British Columbia, Okanagan | |
Heather Hunt | University of New Brunswick, St. John Campus | |
Fiona Hunter | Brock University | |
Christian Lacroix | University of Prince Edward Island | |
Justin Lee | University of the Fraser Valley | |
Shawn Mansfield | University of British Columbia | CCUBC Vice President |
Bruce McKay | Carleton University | |
Jon Mee | Mount Royal University | |
Kirsten Muller | University of Waterloo | CCUBC President |
Ken Otter | Univ. of Northern British Columbia | |
Nicholas Provart | University of Toronto | |
Scott Ramsay | Wilfrid Laurier University | |
Jeffrey Richards | University of British Columbia | |
Gregory Schmaltz | University of the Fraser Valley | CCUBC Member at Large |
Mauricio Terebiznik | Univ. of Toronto at Scarborough | |
Chris Todd | University of Saskatchewan | |
Tony Williams | Simon Fraser University | CCUBC Treasurer |